- 3/4 Cup California natural raisins
- 2 Teaspoons dark rum
- 1 green apple
- 2 Teaspoons olive oil
- 2 Teaspoons apple cider
- Salt and pepper; to taste
- Beef broth, as needed
- 1/2 Cup carrots
- 3/4 Cup green zucchini squash
- 1 Cup yellow summer squash
- 10 spears Thai asparagus
- 11/2 Tablespoons butter
In small bowl, soak raisins in rum for 15 minutes. In medium pan, sauté apples with olive oil and stir in raisins. Deglaze pan with cider. Using a blender, blend ingredients together with beef broth until smooth and desired consistency. Adjust seasonings. Set aside.
Sauté carrots, squashes and asparagus in butter. Turn into servings dish and spoon on apple and raisins sauce. Serve hot.
Note: For serving suggestion, see recipe for Roast Loin of Lamb Wrapped with Potato and Stuffed with California Golden Raisin and Camembert Fondue.
Nutrition Facts Per Serving
Calories 150 (Calories from Fat 28%); Total Fat 5 ( Saturated Fat 2; Trans Fat 0; ); Cholesterol 10; Sodium 40; Potassium 458; Total Carbohydrate 23; Dietary Fiber 3; Sugars 19; Protein 2; Calcium 28; Iron 1;Try Another Recipe
California Golden Raisin-Apricot Chutney
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Raisins are all natural!