

  1.  Twenty-four hours (24) before final mixing, mix ingredients for started together on low for 5 minutes. (Desired starter temperature is 83ºF. Do not over mix.) Ferment for 24 hours at 83ºF. (Desired final pH 3.9.)
  2. Mixture A: Three (3) hours before final mixing, stir hot water and rye flour together in mixing bowl. Mixture B: Mix flax seeds and hot water together in another bowl. Mix both well and set aside. Mixture C: Three (3) hours before mixing dough, pour cold water over bread crumbs. Set aside. 2
  3. Mix Dough on low for 5 minutes. Add raisins and mix on low for 1 minute more. (Final dough temperature 75ºF. Do not over mix.) Bulk ferment for 15 minutes.


  1. Divide and scale dough into 2-pound pieces. Shape into ovals; roll in rolled oats and rye flakes. Arrange in individual loaf pans. Proof: 70 minutes at 95ºF.
  2. Bake at 445ºF with steam, gradually reducing temperature to 375ºF until done.

* See recipe.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving

(Calories from Fat %); ( );

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Raisins are fat and cholesterol free.