Frequently Asked Questions reside in several locations throughout the website, each containing a host of in-depth information. Select the FAQs listed below, click on the link, and you will be directed to that page.

For general information about eating raisins, go to  General Info – FAQs

To learn about the commercial uses of California Raisins, go to Processing FAQs

And remember, there’s lots more helpful and useful information in other areas, including nutrition, history, and more that your students will enjoy that you will find helpful as you prepare class materials and projects.


Where to Buy Raisins

For School Foodservice Directors:  California Raisins are available through the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Services’ (AMS) USDA Foods Available List Program in support of School Breakfast in the Classroom, National School Lunch Program and all Child Nutrition Programs.  AMS Commodity Procurement publically posts all solicitations, offer due dates, and details on subsequent awards.

Raisins can also be purchased directly from the Raisin Packers and Processors.

For more information on the operation of all Child Nutrition Programs, contact the State agency in your state that is responsible for the administration of the programs. A listing of those State agencies may be found at , then select “Child Nutrition Programs” or chose option 1 or 2 below.

  1. Click here:
  2. Contact USDA, Food and Nutrition Service, Public Information Staff by phone at 703-305-2286 or by mail at 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 914, Alexandria, Virginia 22302.

For additional AMS information, visit